Janhvi Kapoor is a young star kid in Bollywood. She made her debut in 2018 with the romantic drama film Dhadak. After working in the Bollywood industry, the actress now desires to work in South films. As per reports in India Forums, in a recent interview with Film Companion, she was quoted saying, “I’ve always wanted to make a South Indian film; if you look at my iPhone pages or Netflix recently watched history, you’ll notice that they’re all South Indian films. Particularly Malayalam films.”
During the interview, the actress was also asked if she, like everyone else is a fan of Fahadh Faasil. In response, Janhvi stated candidly, “I recently saw his performance in the Malayalam film Trance and thought he was fantastic. I believe that today’s artists are operating at such a high level, and I’d like to explore that world as well.”
“I have been speaking to a couple of makers but I have not felt like oh my god, I need to do this,” Janhvi said when asked if she has received any offers for her South debut.
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