Janhvi Kapoor, the Dhadak actress has taken her fashion dos to the next level, as she oomphed up in this classic golden sequinned bralette, prompting sheer hotness with her wet hot looks in the picture. The actress looked all bold and gorgeous in the outfit, giving us goals with her oomph factor.
The actress could be seen in a noodled strap golden sequinned crop top that she teamed with a crepe matching skirt. The actress clubbed the look with sassy golden earrings and a bold makeup look, keeping her hair all open to keep her sultriness on point.
Here take a look-
On the work front, the actress is currently all geared up for the upcoming flick directed by Karan Johar, Dostana 2. The film hit to headlines, after Kartik Aaryan dropped out of the film, sparking rumours of a feud between him and Karan Johar.