Janhvi Kapoor, the diva, who made her Bollywood debut in 2018 with Dhadak opposite Ishaan Khatter, has set the internet on fire with her latest picture. The actress took to Instagram and shared her stunning look in a short black dress with a white floral print on it as she posed in front of a mirror.
While she gave a sultry expression in the first two pictures, she had a wide smile on her face in the last one. “Always fun troubling Nazzz,” Janhvi Kapoor captioned her Instagram post. As soon as Janhvi shared the picture, B-Town beauty Tara Sutaria commented ‘gorg’ on her post.
On the work front, Janhvi surprised audiences with her performance in movie horror-comedy Roohi, alongside Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma. Now, she will be next seen in Goodluck Jerry. She also has Dostana 2 and a Hindi remake of the Malayalam film Helen in her kitty.
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Image Credit: Instagram