Janhvi Kapoor, the Dhadak actress recently marked sensations with her regal walk at the runway of Lakme Fashion Week. The actress turned mused in a red embellished Punit Balana lehenga design, while she aced the walk like a queen in the regal avatar as a showstopper for the designer.
With that, the diva has now shared the wholesome collection by Punit Balana on her social media, and wrote, “Had so much fun walking for @punitbalanaofficial at the @fdciofficial fashion week! #PunitBalana #LakshmibyPunitBalana”
1. Red muse
In the first, she wore a perfect heavily embellished red lehenga with a dramatic makeup look with a wavy hairdo.
2. In the next she wore an abstract embellished white lehenga by Janhvi Kapoor with special floral work on the blouse and the lehenga skirt.