Since Janhvi Kapoor’s debut, the diva has taken the film industry by storm. The twenty-four-year-old actress made her acting debut in the love film Dhadak in 2018. Janhvi Kapoor has been in the profession for four years and has carved out a niche for herself. Janhvi Kapoor has grown up in the spotlight as a celebrity child. Her mother instilled in her beauty and grace, while her father instilled in her a dashing personality. Janhvi Kapoor has set her sights on being Bollywood’s top actress, and she is well on her way. Since her debut, the diva has been captivating hearts. Let’s have a peek at how Janhvi Kapoor dresses in Indian attire today.

No one can deny that Janhvi Kapoor is a fashionista. She is a fashion icon who has proven it time and time again with her gorgeous ensembles. Janhvi Kapoor never fails to make us swoon over her looks, whether it’s casual or formal, desi or western. Janhvi Kapoor has a distinct dress sense that sets her apart from her peers. She not only understands how to style herself, but she also does so in a stylish and effortless manner. Janhvi Kapoor has worn a variety of costumes. Her diverse appearance has made her popular among the youth. We’ve seen her slay in western attire, and there’s no denying she looks like a queen. Janhvi Kapoor, on the other hand, is unstoppable in a lehenga. In lehengas, she looks like a stunning queen.

Do take a look at some of Janhvi Kapoor’s best lehenga collections and keep reading