Kangana Ranaut is one of the leading Bollywood actresses. The diva has been in the news ever since she posted a sarcastic tweet on the tremendous Box Office success of Pathaan. After her tweets went viral, social media star Urfi Javed slammed Kangana for comparing Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan with her last film Dhaakad. She even criticized Kangana for dividing as per religion.
However, Kangana replied to Urfi and asked her to join in requesting PM Narendra Modi for Uniform Civil Code. Later in the night Urfi responded to Kangana’s suggestion, and wrote, “Uniform wound be a bad idea for me ma’am! I’m popular only because of my clothes.” Soon, Kangana praised Urfi for her attitude and dressing sense.
On her Twitter, Kangana shared a story about Mahadevi Akka, and said, “In India there was Queen called Mahadevi Akka,who loved Shiva her husband before the court said if she loved Shiva n not him then she shouldn’t take anything from him,she dropped all her clothes left the palace and never covered her body again. Clothes and a lack of them, both are self expression.” She added, “Mahadevi Akka is a shinning star In the world of Kannada literature she is the greatest, she lived in forests and never wore clothes. Don’t let anyone shame you about your body, you are pure and divine, my love to you.”
Uorfi then thanked Kangana for the tweet but didn’t forget to mention that their ‘political ideologies’ are different. To which Kangana wrote, “I am a sensitive n sensible person not a political person,I was asked to join politics many times I didn’t but those who hate my light they need to justify their hate/fear,they reason that they hate my political ideologies,ha ha whatever helps them get through the day ??(sic).”
Both are self expression, Mahadevi Akka is a shinning star In the world of Kannada literature she is the greatest, she lived in forests and never wore clothes.
Don’t let anyone shame you about your body, you are pure and divine, my love to you 🤗— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) January 31, 2023
I am a sensitive n sensible person not a political person,I was asked to join politics many times I didn’t but those who hate my light they need to justify their hate/fear,they reason that they hate my political ideologies,ha ha whatever helps them get through the day 🥰🙏 https://t.co/7nm5omfnSe
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) January 31, 2023