Kiara Advani has become a well-known face in Bollywood. She got fame through her movie M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story. She has worked in Telugu films too. Kiara looks beautiful in every outfit. Kiara wore a pink sequined lehenga which was designed by Manish Malhotra. Her lehenga was heavy and the blouse was full sleeves one. She skipped a necklace and wore diamond earrings on it.

The Bebo of Bollywood never fails to stun us with her fashion sense. She is famous for her amazing acting skills. She grabs the attention of millions of people through her dreamy eyes. Most of the time we have seen the diva wearing Manish Malhotra designed outfits. The actor says that when it comes to Indian ethnic dressing she loves her Manish Malhotra outfits. She wore a pastel grey lehenga and accessorized it with red jewellery. She was looking gorgeous in that lehenga.

Priyanka Chopra is a fabulous actress in Bollywood. She is famous all over the world. Priyanka was looking gorgeous in her blue lehenga and she kept her makeup minimal but was looking gorgeous in that lehenga.

Who looks stunning in Manish Malhotra lehenga Kiara Advani Or Kareena Kapoor Or Priyanka Chopra? Do let us know and stay tuned to