Rashmika Mandanna has shared a beautiful set of pictures with her family on her social media handle, on Tuesday. The actress introduced her real family and referred to her reel family from her upcoming movie Goodbye. The film shall star Rashmika Mandanna, Amitabh Bachchan and Neena Gupta in lead roles.
In the pictures, Rashmika Mandanna shared, we could spot her dear family along. The actress is seen with her parents Suman Mandanna and Madan Mandanna along with her little sister Shiman Mandanna.
Rashmika Mandanna sharing the beautiful moments with her family, she wrote, “This is my real family, and in 3 days you get to meet my reel family – The #Goodbye Family.” She further added, “Are you as excited as I am? I nominate @shravyavarma @aishwaryakolla and @varshabollamma to upload your family photos and a reminder to block your dates if you haven’t already!”
The actress further urged her fans to watch the film, saying, “Watch the film with your family. ☺️ #FamilyHaiTohSabKuchHai”
Take a look-
South popular actress Tamannaah Bhatia commented, “Too cute” along with love heart emoji in the comments.