Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are the most loved couple in Bollywood. The Raazi actress never misses a chance to show off her love for RK on her social media. Starting from spending time with his family, like joining them over dinners or just spending a gala Sunday, the actress often shares some amazing pictures.

Alia is all set to make her Hollywood debut with Netflix’s international spy thriller Heart of Stone alongside Gal Gadot. As per reports in Koi Moi, Alia will begin the shoot for her Hollywood film in May. The report cited a source as saying, “Alia will begin shooting for her Hollywood film in the month of May 2022. Post her wedding in mid-April, the actress will be flying to the United States Of America (USA) for her film’s shoot.”

Rumours of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s impending wedding is quite rife. The love birds have been planning to get hitched since 2020. However, the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent lockdown disrupted their plans. Now they’re rumoured to tie the knot on April 14. Does this mean Ranbir and Alia won’t go on honeymoon?