Koffee With Karan show always hit headlines with celebs making remarks and comments on others from the industry. However, this is when Ranbir Kapoor was invited to the show and was asked if he has any awkwardness with Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, for Deepika has been with Ranbir earlier.

Kapoor denied them all and rather cracked everyone up with his answer.

He said, “I’ve hung out with them. I think they have an amazing creative partnership on screen. And beyond that, just the way they are with each other, they really compliment each other well. They are in ways perfect to each other’s energies and I’m really happy for them. And I hope they can see this through and really make some awesome babies together. And I hope that their babies like me and I’m their favourite actor.”

Earlier, Ranveer Singh said in an interview with the Indian Express when asked how he plans for his life’s bigger picture, he said, “Woah! I would want a lovely house where my wife, my kids and my family are around, playing around joyfully. Everyone is happy and healthy. I don’t know what else to ask other than that I am able to entertain till my last day. This is my life’s big picture.” as quoted by Bollywood Shadis.