Prajaktta Mali the Marathi actor has been busy shooting for her show Maharashtrachi Hasyajatra. Well, while she was in the mood to shoot and get into her own daily ordeal, she was pleasantly surprised to meet and greet the mighty Ranveer Singh on her set.

Prajaktta was so happy on meeting Ranveer in person that she went on to write on social media,

I have always loved his onscreen performance and that day on our shooting set ; I loved his off screen appearance too. ♥️
So much to learn…
#hardworking #focus #humble

Prajaktta as she mentions has been in awe of the great actor, and to find him on her set, was a dream come true for her. The picture says it all Prajaktta did have a great time catching up with the actor.

Check the picture here.

Picture Courtesy: Instagram

Too Good!! A memorable experience indeed.