The Bollywood diva Disha Patani, known to be a fitness freak while has been scintillatingly given us pure goals with her fitness videos time and again, the actress is now setting new norms with her fashion updos. The actress decked up the internet once again as she donned a classy casual lookbook, and the pictures got viral.
The actress is currently vacationing and has been sharing gorgeous pictures every now and then on her social media. That being said, the actress has now shared yet another picture from an undisclosed location, while she got all steamy and tempting in a casual lookbook. The diva wore a sleeveless outfit, teamed with pink lips and wavy hair.
What’s more, for the hot edge and tempting look, she decked it up with square shaped black shades, while she clicked a selfie in front of a heritage building.
Take a look-