One of the most adored celebrities in the industry is international diva Priyanka Chopra. The well-known actress is embracing her new stage of life as a mother to her daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, whom she had through surrogacy with her husband, Nick Jonas. Priyanka and Nick frequently post pictures of their tiny bundle of joy with her face covered, despite the fact that the renowned parents have chosen to keep her away from social media and the paparazzi.
Recently, a previously unknown photo of Priyanka and Nick cuddling their kid went viral. The baby’s face is covered in a heart emoji in the picture, as is to be expected. The couple’s friend Tamanna Dutt shared an unseen photo of them with their daughter. In accordance with Priyanka’s request to keep Malti’s face hidden, Tamanna covered the child’s face with a heart emoji, but Priyanka and Nick smiled broadly in the photo.
Tamanna wrote on the photo, “Happiest Birthday, Jiju! Miss u guys.” Priyanka is seen in the photo holding Malti. As he gazes affectionately at Malti, Nick can’t seem to contain his happiness. In the picture, a friend of the couple can also be seen. The Chopra-Jonas family was having a good time when this candid moment was captured.
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