This movie is directed by Shonali Bose. The movie cast includes Prinkya Chopra, Wasim Zaire, and Farhan Akhtar as the lead. It is based on the true story of a struggling young girl.
Based on the story of Aisha Chaudhary At the age of 6 months, she was diagnosed with a terminal disease. The doctors said she won’t survive for a long time but somehow she made it. At the age of 13, she gave a Ted talk about life and death. The plot of the movie goes like the couple parents of the young girl who are married for 25 years still have the spark in their relationship. Their love story as seen from their daughters perspective is narrated in the story. As the diagnosed with a deadly disease she sees and enjoys everything and every moment of her Aisha Chaudhary is life.
And her parents are the once giving her hopes to live a happy life. Their love story is something Aisha is fascinated by and likes to explore every part of it. Priyanka will be playing the role of her mother in the story. This movie is set to mark its entry in October this year. Farhad Akhtar who has played many inspirational roles in films like YJHD is surely going to make us fall for him again in this movie. This movie has a very emotional plot and will make us cry for sure. The story of Aisha Chaudhary is very inspiring and motivating. She actually showed us how to live life to the fullest. And we are sure this movie is going to do the same. Zaire Wasim will be playing the role of Aisha Chaudhary.