Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are one of the most loved couples in Bollywood. The Raazi actress never misses a chance to show off her love for RK on her social media. Starting from spending time with his family, like joining them over dinners or just to spend a gala Sunday, the actress often shares some amazing pictures.

Recently, as per reports in Koi Moi, celebrity Numerologist Niraj Mancchanda has predicted Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s marriage but he claims their coming together will work only in one condition. Talking to Bollywood Life, the numerologist said, “Ranbir and Alia will get married. As long as Alia is a pawn of RK, the marriage will work wonders.”

As we said earlier, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor never get shy talking about their marriage and as per rumours the couple has already set a date for their special day, many have even speculated April as the month for their marriage.

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