Ranbir Kapoor, who was last seen in Luv Ranjan’s Tu Jhooti Main Makkaar with Shraddha Kapoor, shared his opinion about Urfi Javed’s sartorial choices, as per reports in Times Now. Ranbir visited the sets of Mirchi Plus and had a candid conversation with Kareena Kapoor for the show.

Kareen played a fun game with Ranbir where he was shown placards by the actress that had images of celebs dressed in different looks. The catch was that the actors’ faces were not displayed. During the fun game, Ranbir correctly identified the actresses based on their attire and reviewed their fashion statements.

When Kareena showed a placard of Urfi and said, “I think you know who this person is.” Ranbir replied, “Is it Urfi?” He continued by saying, “I am not a big fan of this kind of fashion. But I believe that we are living in a world today where if you are comfortable in your skin…” Kareena interrupted him and asked, “Good taste or bad taste, Ranbir.” He quickly replied, “Bad taste.”

Urfi is a social media influencer who has caught the attention of a few Bollywood stars including Ranveer Singh, Masaba Gupta, and Kangana Ranaut.

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