Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are the most loved couple in Bollywood. The Raazi actress never misses a chance to show off her love for RK on her social media. Starting from spending time with his family, like joining them over dinners or just spending a gala Sunday, the actress often shares some amazing pictures.

Recently, Alia and Ranbir stepped during the day. Alia was seen in a black tank top and matching pants. Ranbir joined her in a black t-shirt and black pants. As the two made an entry, Alia was seen moving toward the building while Ranbir walked behind her while shielding her from the sides.

As a video of them was shared on a paparazzi account, a fan commented, “Most beautiful” Few fans called them “cute couple” and “perfect couple” in the comments section. Check the video below!

View Instagram Post 1: Ranbir Kapoor Proves He Is A Perfect Boyfriend As He Protects Alia Bhatt From The Mob