Rashmika Mandanna, the popular South Indian actress, has time and again left her fans impressed either by her acting skills or through her beauty. After a supremely successful career down South, Rashmika is now all set to make heads spin with her charm and cuteness in B-Town. The diva is set to make her Bollywood debut with the movie, Mission Majnu. She will also be seen in Goodbye.
As per reports in Great Andhra, she recently expressed her views about boys posting shirtless on social media. Talking at length, she revealed that she does not like profile pictures of shirtless men.
“I admire people who go to the gym regularly and keep themselves fit because this thing shows their dedication. But, why do you use it as your profile picture? I don’t understand why you need to show off your body on social media. I am an old school girl,” she said.
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