Rashmika Mandanna, the popular South Indian actress, has time and again left her fans impressed either by her acting skills or through her beauty. After a supremely successful career down South, Rashmika is now all set to make heads spin in B-Town. The diva is set to make her Bollywood debut with the movie, Mission Majnu.
Recently, as per reports in Informal Newz, Rashmika was seen at the airport wearing shorts with hoodie in which she looked pretty. She was also seen wearing a cap and a mask on her face. Some people have praised Rashmika’s look, while few started trolling her.
Commenting on the video, a user wrote, “They don’t feel cold, do I tremble even if I go out of the house wearing a sweater in the evening. Another commented, looks like mam forgot to wear pants in a hurry. Another wrote, I thought it was a football player. There someone commented, shorts even in such cold? Check below!
View Instagram Post 1: Rashmika Mandanna Looks Bold In Super Short Outfit At The Airport: See Pics