South actress Rashmika Mandanna who is all geared up for her Bollywood debut along with Amitabh Bachchan in the film GoodBye, was praised for a cute gesture recently. Rashmika was the centre of attraction at an event where she was thronged by the media. However, she touched the stage and sought blessings before getting over it. This really won hearts and this report at talked about it. We take reference from that story for our write up here.
At the event, Rashmika was seen bowing and touching the stage before stepping on it, as a mark of respect. Reacting to the video, a fan said, “What great culture and sanskar (teachings)… She was touching the stage before stepping ahead…” Another comment read, “Her etiquette.” A person also commented, “Wow she’s so gorgeous.” For the event, Rashmika wore a black and white crop top, under a blue denim jacket, paired with pink pants.
View Instagram Post 1: Rashmika Mandanna's Fans In Awe Of Her 'Sanskaar', Check Here
Video Courtesy: Viral Bhayani and Picture Courtesy: Instagram
On Friday, the second track from Goodbye, The Hic Song, was released. Sharing the song on Instagram, Rashmika wrote, “I haven’t stopped grooving to it ever since I heard it for the very first time. I hope you all love it as much as I do. The Hic Song. Goodbye on October 7.” The song is composed by Amit Trivedi and sung by Sharvi Yadav.
Are you all excited for this release?