Alia Bhatt the Bollywood actor and singer comes from the popular and renowned Bhatt family!! Daughter of the film maker Mahesh Bhatt and actress Sonia Razdan, acting and love for the camera has come to her from her genes.
She has done some outstanding films and has a good career ahead. Her films Student of the Year, Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania, 2 States, Bardinath Ki Dulhania etc showed her amazing acting prowess.
Alia is a scintillating beauty and does not fail to mesmerize her fans with her amazingly great looks.
She is a prime example of style evolution. Her fashion sense and styling is unique and her signature looks are simply dashing.!!
Today we bring to you few of her signature looks as she poses for the camera. And must say, she exudes confidence and beauty to the core!!