Karan Johar the ace filmmaker’s birthday party was a lavish and star-studded affair. Well, there were new trends that were taken up by celebrities in their dressing style. While men looked dapper, the ladies looked sensational in their stunning outfits. There was a competition of sorts in the kind of fashion appeal that every actor created in the party scene.
Today, we look at the stunning men Riteish Deshmukh and Shahid Kapoor who were dressed immaculately well for the party.
While Shahid donned a white shirt, black pant, an off-white suit with a bow in black, Riteish looked dashing in a black suit with black pant. He carried a bow in black.
Check their pictures here.
Picture Courtesy: Instagram
Wow!! Who do you like more? Whose bow style is the best? Overall, is it Riteish or Shahid who looks spectacular? You can make your choice here. You can cast your vote here in comments.