Ever since the trailer launch of KGF 2 happened on March 27, fans have been super excited for the same. The movie is set to release in cinemas on April 14th and with an ensemble cast like Sanjay Dutt and Raveena Tandon in it, the brand value of the movie only gets bigger and better. The promotions of the movie have begun and this means that paparazzi and fans will get opportunities to see Yash on multiple occasions.
Well, right now, a video of Yash from the airport premises is going viral where he is seen getting ready to jet off for Delhi and as expected, he has finally got what he was ‘hunting’ for. Yes, we are talking about unlimited love and respect from all sections of the society.. Check out the heartwarming video below and you will start respecting Yash more than ever before. Take a look below –
Absolutely amazing right? Let us know your views in the comments below and for more updates, stay tuned to IWMBuzz.com.