Sara Ali Khan took it to her social media to share yet another goofy video, as she dances all with fun with a friend, to the popular Bollywood song ‘Samundar Mein Nahake” looking all gorgeous in her sleeveless flared black dress.

The actress could be seen giving off some stunning moves like the Golden era heroines, with the on point thumkas and aadayein with the exotic song in the video. The actress sharing the video, wrote, “Namak mein Chamak ✨?
Thumak Thumak ?”

The video left all her fans and colleagues in splits as they couldn’t believe Sara could so hilarious at times. One wrote, “I can’ttttttt sara ali khannnnnnnnnnn? why can’t you be controlleddddd?” another wrote, “Just another day on set for @saraalikhan95”

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