Sara Ali Khan has got all the glitz on point in this one video shared on her Instagram recently. The actress who’s been a few films old only in the industry, Kedarnath, Atrangi Re and others has managed to earn her foothold with her charismatic personality and approach.
What’s more, her goofiness and silly knock-knock jokes always keep us hooked to her social media, leaving us to fall for her more, given how real she likes to be even when off the screen.
But, that’s that, the actress has also made it to the top-notch with her scintillating fashion updos. And that being said, the actress recently dropped elegance and sass with her glittery sequinned suit dress on social media. The actress shared a video, where we could see her in the same outfit, teamed with a high ponytail and bold makeup.
Here take a look-
View Instagram Post 1: Sara Ali Khan to give you a glitz show in glittery suit dress, see pics