Young Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor is all set to entertain masses in his upcoming film ‘Jersey’. At the trailer launch of his film, he spoke about his new movie. However, he also opened up on his film Kabir Singh’s massive success at the box office and revealed that he was left confused about what to do after that success.

As per reports in Koi Moi, Shahid was quoted saying, “After Kabir Singh released, I went like a beggar to everybody. I went to all these people who’ve made these 200-250 crore films. I’ve never been a part of this club, so it was completely new to me. Having spent 15-16 years in the industry, I never had such a huge grosser. So, when it finally happened, I didn’t know where to go, it was all new to me.”

During the trailer launch, Shahid also had disclosed that he was offered Jersey way before Kabir Singh.

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