Young Bollywood hottie Shahid Kapoor is creating a buzz on social media with his latest pictures. The actor took to Instagram and shared his dashing and dapper looks in a white tee with black pants, posing with utmost perfection for the camera. Shahid captioned: “Stay sharp .. wait for it…” Check below!

View Instagram Post 1: Shahid Kapoor's dashing and dapper avatar makes fans go wow

In the second wave of Covid-19 lockdown, Shahid has been sharing some of his hot and stunning pictures. He is also posting funny clips on his social media to keep his fans entertained. He had posted a video wherein Shahid was taking a stroll in his backyard. The star was seen without a mask and added a caption to explain why. He wrote: “Walking around alone these days in your backyard without a mask be like …”. The video made many go LOL.

On the work front, the star will be seen in a remake of a Telugu sports drama Jersey. The actor will play the role of a cricketer. Besides the lead actor, the film also stars Mrunal Thakur and Pankaj Kapur.

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