Janvhi Kapoor is currently spending her best days in France. The actress has recently shared a photodump series on her social media handle right from her exotic France trip, and they are too good to miss out on. The actress also gave her step-sister Anshula Kapoor a FOMO moment with the beautiful pictures she shared on her social media, and now is leaving us impressed with her stunning looks from the tour.
In the series, the actress could be seen spending some amazing time on the streets of the land of love. We could spot her wearing a pretty peach pink floral dress that she topped with a white blazer. The actress decked it up with a wavy hairdo, minimal makeup and chic accessories. What’s more, as she shared the pictures on social media, we got a chance to glimpse the city’s spectacular views. In addition, we could also see the Dhadak actress meditating in front of the church.
Take a look-
A fan wrote, “Damn cute ☺️?❤️ no-one can beat you in cuteness❤️❤️❤️”
Another fan commented, “Zabardast you are stunning beauty true inspiration of beauty and acting ..biggest fan of you”
A third fan wrote, “she doing a meditation comparing a nature?♀️”