Ranbir Kapoor while promoting Jagga Jasoos with AIB, opened up on the Koffee With Karan show and the hamper he gifts the stars after winning the rapid-fire round. The actor even said that while the actors get screwed after answering his questions, Karan Johar, on the other hand, makes money out of it.
Talking to AIB, RK said, “I am…I am (when asked if he’s tired of the show)…I was forced this season. I told him (Karan), ‘I don’t want to come.’ Me and Anushka (Sharma) were actually going to protest and get the entire film industry together to stop this because it’s not fair. He’s making money out of us, we come and we get screwed through the year. It’s not right.”
When Ranbir was asked about the infamous hamper that they get after winning the rapid-fire, he said, “Nothing, ghanta (absolutely nothing) you get. Same iPhone you’re getting.” as quoted by Koi Moi.