Vijay Deverakonda, the Arjun Reddy star, who is currently all on the top of his game with upcoming Liger, has always left us awestruck with his amazing gentleman approach and responses in public. And here’s when he slammed a reporter at a press conference who asked him about his kissing scene with Rashmika Mandanna.
He said, “What is a liplock? I mean, I do not like that word. See, you guys write about objectification. It’s actually kissing, it’s an emotion like anger. When you cry, it’s an emotion. When you kiss, it’s an emotion. It’s not lip-locking, I really dislike that word. Whenever I read liplock, I’m like what the f**k?”
He added, “If it’s there in the writing or if it’s necessary for the moment or if the relationship between the characters is to express it that way, then it needs to be expressed that way. If there’s no need, then there won’t be any need. So, it’s very basic,”
He continued, “Actually, it’s not Rashmika kissing Vijay or vice versa. It is Bobby kissing Lilly. We are the only country where people forget that actors are playing characters on screen. I don’t go around taking stumps and beating people or do drugs. In real life, I don’t even smoke. I don’t dance and dancing is the last thing I would do even though I enjoy watching it. So, people should not get confused.”
Rashmika Mandanna adding on said, “The director decides how the two characters should emote. It is all in the mindset. If a person feels the trailer only has kissing scenes, basically he doesn’t want to relate to any other emotion.” as quoted by Men Xp.