Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are delighted since they’re expecting their first child. The millennial duo was promoting their much-anticipated movie Brahmastra, and their adorable antics are hard to ignore. Alia previously surprised her followers with some gorgeous photos, and her glowing pregnant glow was hard to miss.
On June 27, 2022, Alia Bhatt revealed that she was expecting a child. She shared two images, the first of which showed Alia and Ranbir receiving a sonogram at the hospital while smiling broadly in the other. A lion, lioness, and cub were represented in the second image. Alia had written the following alongside the images: “Our baby ….. coming soon.”
On August 26, 2022, Alia Bhatt uploaded images on her Instagram account showing off her growing baby bump while wearing a pink see-through top. Alia had a lovely appearance, and her pregnant glow was stunning. The images were captioned, “The light.. is coming! The 9th of September is Brahmastra.” As soon as Alia shared the captivating images, a wide range of celebrities praised the soon-to-be mother for her glow.
The expecting mother, Alia, was also photographed by reporters as she appeared with her husband, Ranbir Kapoor. When Alia and Ranbir posed for photos, Alia looked gorgeous as she showed off her adorable baby bump.
Check out some of the photos she posted of her baby bump.