Akshaya Deodhar the young and vivacious Marathi actress is presently in a high-spirited mood. She is all set to get married to Hardeek Joshi. The pre-wedding rituals and functions have started in full swing. The actress known for her portrayal in Chatur Chor is getting ready for her Mehendi celebrations. The videos shows her in her vibrant and ecstatic mood.

She is dolled up in a multi-coloured Anarkali sleeveless kurta. This kurta had a mirror embellishment going all over. The bottom part of the Anarkali had a zig-zag pattern that accentuated its beauty. She paired the outfit with a set of heavy earrings and maang tikka.

She is seen posing for Mehendi in style. Her smile and exuberance is something that you cannot afford to miss.

Check the video here of the to-be bride.

View Instagram Post 1: To-Be Bride Akshaya Deodhar Gets Ready In Her Classy Mehendi Look

Video Courtesy: Instagram

Well, here’s wishing Akshaya a very happy married life!!