Since it’s been 3671209… days being quarantined and most of us are bored at home, so that leaves us with movies as our only past time. And during this unexpected year where almost impossible and shocking events have taken place, it’s best to watch fictional movies and leave your brain cells screaming what the Hell!!!
Here are the top five must-watch Fictional movies before this year ends.
The first movie on our list is a 2018 Fictional movie ”Annihilation”. The lead in the movie is Natalie Portman and the story is based on Jeff VanderMeer’s best-selling Southern Reach Trilogy. The movie will make you question so many things about your existence. It’s a mind-blowing movie you should surely give it a try.
The second movie on our list is ”War of the Worlds” which was released in 2005. It stars Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning. The movie delivers the thrill and paranoia from H.G. Wells’ classic novel while impressively making the scene look modern enough with the graphics and technology.
The next movie is 2018 movie ”A Quiet Place” the plot of the movie is based on how a family of four learns to live in utter silence to protect themselves from becoming the prey of the mysterious predators out there.
The 2006 move ”V for Vendetta” has made it to the forth on our list. The movie stars Natalie Portman and Huge Weaving and it is based on a graphic novel by Alan Moore. The movie is thought-provoking and visually stunning, overall it’s an amazing film and definitely worth watching.
The Fifth movie on our list is Hunger Games it is the highest-grossing film franchise of all time. The movie stars Jennifer Lawrence who plays the lead role of a girl, who survives the hunger games and devices a plane to stop the brutal game from its roots.
These were the top five fictional movies on our list, after watching the movies let us know in the comments which one you liked the most.