Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika Mandanna are two of the popular actors in Tollywood. The two talented actors have shared the screen space in romantic dramas like Geetha Govindam and Dear Comrade and have charmed audiences.

Vijay and Rashmika are known for their incredible on-screen chemistry, which their fans adore. Despite persistent rumors about their relationship, both actors denied any romantic involvement and insisted they were good friends.

According to a report by Odisha TV, Vijay recently spoke about his romantic life. When asked who has had more relationships between him and Anand, Vijay admitted having had 40-50 more girlfriends than Anand. He also acknowledged that his flaws had caused problems in his relationships. He admitted to being somewhat unstable and not particularly adept at maintaining a long-term relationship, as he is primarily focused on his career and doesn’t have the time to invest in a romantic partnership.

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