Nora Fatehi prefers to carry simple and unique designer bags. She was spotted at an airport wearing denim outfits and carrying a brown handbag and was looking fabulous. She was also seen wearing a kurta and carried a small cute brown bag. Her black sling bag is perfect for any party wear.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is seen carrying medium size, and big handbags, and all her bags look fabulous and are designed very well. She was also spotted carrying a small grey sling bag while traveling and she was looking fantastic.
Jacqueline Fernandez was seen carrying a small black sling bag, and it seems that it is her favorite bag. Her floral handbag looks perfect on plain outfits. She was seen carrying a greenside bag while traveling and was looking fabulous.
Sunny Leone prefers to carry a black colored bag as they go perfect on every outfit and she has different designed black colored bags. She is also seen carrying different colored bags such as red, brown, etc.
Who owns the most stylish bag: Nora Fatehi, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Jacqueline Fernandez, Or Sunny Leone? Do let us know and stay tuned to