Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are the most loved couple in Bollywood. The Raazi actress never misses a chance to show off her love for RK on her social media. Starting from spending time with his family, like joining them over dinners or just to spend a gala Sunday, the actress often shares some amazing pictures.

Recently, Alia and Ranbir stepped out for dinner. Alia was seen in a white-coloured one-shoulder top and matching cargo pants. Ranbir joined her in a printed black shirt and white pants. As the two made an exit from the restaurant, Alia was seen moving towards their car while Ranbir walked behind her while shielding her from the sides.

As a video of them was shared on a paparazzi account, a fan commented, “Alia is constantly blushing around Ranbir.” Few fans called them “cute couple” and “perfect couple” in the comments section. Check the video below!

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