Janhvi Kapoor, the diva of Bollywood, never fails to surprise her fans with some funny yet interesting videos on Instagram. Janhvi took to Instagram and shared a goofy dance video with her Aksa gang. In the video, the group grooved to Sean Paul’s Temperature. Through the video, Janhvi twerked, danced with footwear in her hand. She shared the video with the caption, “Aksa gang is back.” Check below!

View Instagram Post 1: Watch Video: Janhvi Kapoor’s hilarious dance video twerking with her gang goes viral, brother Arjun Kapoor reacts

Her half-brother Arjun Kapoor took to the comments section and reacted to the video. The actor wrote, “Ummm this needs a separate whole dinner to discuss.” Arjun and Janhvi had joined their respective sisters Anshula Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor and their father Boney Kapoor for a Father’s Day dinner on Sunday night.

Janhvi had previously danced to Cardi B’s Up. She had shared two videos, one with the team and another with Namrata. She had also shared a video montage from her recent trips in which she grooved with a group of professional dancers. Janhvi was last seen in Roohi, alongside Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma.

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