Ananya Panday seems to have found her footing in Bollywood. Recently, she took to Instagram and shared her picture from her Maldives vacation. Ananya’s super-toned but hot mess look in a black string bikini has set the internet on fire.

In the photo shared by the Student Of The Year 2 actress, she can be seen wearing a black halter-neck bikini top which she teamed up with a string bikini bottom. She accessorized her look with a gold linked-chain neckpiece and a choker. Check below!

Ananya is one of the most popular actors belonging to the present generation of upcoming actors. At a tender age, this pretty young girl is giving some major style inspiration given her sartorial choices. What we love the most is the fact that she’s going for looks in colours that are age-appropriate and are matching the cool, girl next door vibe of her personality.

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Image Credit: Instagram