Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor are currently in Poland shooting for their upcoming film Bawaal. Earlier, the duo was in Amsterdam, and then they located themselves in Poland to shoot the second half. However, since then the duo has been sharing some hilarious pictures and more on their Instagram handles, leaving us all giggled up. That’s that, we also get a hint on what ‘Bawaal’ it’s going to be on the screen when we see the film.
Talking of their Poland shooting days, the duo has now again shared a couple of pictures on their social media handle, where we could spot Varun Dhawan looking all dapper hot in his blue printed casual t-shirt teamed with denim jeans, stubble beard and short gelled hairdo.
On the other hand, Janvhi Kapoor looks sheer hot in her pink white top along with denim shorts and minimal makeup. She teamed it up with sneaker shoes and a wavy hairdo.
Kapoor however, sharing the picture wrote, “Instagram Vs Reality” and we realise the caption as we swipe right, witnessing the two fighting and jumping around right before this picture.
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View Instagram Post 1: What Fun: Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor goof-up together in Poland, see pics