Rashmika Mandanna, a well-known actress from South India, has repeatedly impressed her fans with her acting abilities and stunning appearance. She began her career with the Kannada movie Kirik Party in 2016 and has since gained a huge following. In fact, Google even declared her a “national crush”.
As per reports in Republic World, the actor made a digital note of some moments and things that made her smile. Rashmika took to her Instagram stories to share how she spent her day and what made her smile. The actor marked August 19 as the date she wrote in her diary.
She wrote: “Dear diary, The things that made me smile today, I did an hour of yoga, got a shoot on time, shot for AMJ and had a good day at shoot.” The actor has a pet dog named Aura which she recently welcomed in her home. She further mentioned how Aura’s presence made her smile and wrote, “Sharwanand got his doggos to the set.. omg! They are so freaking adorable.. also no wonder why Aura was throwing tantrums when I got back home.., could manage a workout also where some half an hour Kuldeep Sethi and Rajesh was killing me with my knee rehab, could meet two of my friends for dinner also and AUra also tagged along.. Aura and I paaaasssssed out in the night.. didn’t have energy to play only..”
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