Dhvani Bhanushali has literally taken the world of pop singing to a storm. Having emerged as one of the top singing female voices of the country, her fan following has already hit an all-time high and without any doubt, she’s the ‘billion’ girl in the true sense of the term.
Recently Dhvani achieved a humongous feat as her popular song ‘Leja Re’ completed 500 million views. Seems like there are plenty of things for Dhvani that makes her feel like chilling with her ‘best friend’ and that ‘best friend’ is none other than her dog who’s surely enjoying a smooth ride with her. Take a look –
On the work front, Dhvani Bhanushali has a song coming up from the upcoming film ‘Good Newwz’ tomorrow itself. For more such updates, stay tuned to IWMBuzz.com