Neha Kakkar, known as the blockbuster machine of Bollywood, is an India playback singer. she launched her first album, Neha-The Rock Star and the music was composed by Meet Bros. She is famous for her songs like “Sunny Sunny” from movie Yaariyan, “Manali Trance” from movie The Shaukeens, “Aao Raja” with singer Yo Yo Honey Singh from movie Gabbar is Back, “Dhating Naach” from movie Phata Poster Nikala Hero, “London Thumakda” from movie Queen, “Dilbar” from movie Satyameva Jayate, and her album songs like “Hanju” with singer Meiyang Chang, and “Patt Lainge” with singer Gippy Grewal.
She never fails to impress her fans with her dashing songs. She has gained huge fame and has crossed 30 million followers on Instagram recently.
Here is the list of her glorious songs from 2019, that will brighten up your day:
1.Oh Humsafar from the album, Frolic Neha Kakkar
2. Wah Wai Wahh by T-series
3. Dilbar-Ishare Tere-Tere Te from T- series Mixtape Season 2
4. Coca Cola From “Luka Chuppi”
5. Kala Chashma from the album The Neha Kakkar Collection
6. The Hook Up Song from Student Of The Year 2
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