Jennifer Lynn Lopez, aka as J.Lo, is an American singer, dancer, fashion designer, producer, and entrepreneur. Jennifer is one of the most famous artists in pop culture. She is adored by her fans across the globe and is highly appreciated for her artistic work. Jennifer is a box package of talents and an amazing combination of being both a creative artist and a confident individual. Jennifer has got it all! An outstanding body, an angelic voice, an extraordinary presentation of oneself on the stage while performing, and most important her confidence. It is her self-confidence that makes her look smart and appealing.

Trolls, criticism, and appreciation have always been a part of an individual’s life. Jennifer was also trolled by one of her followers on Instagram while she was marketing a cosmetic product called face mask of her cosmetic brand. She was not wearing any makeup., she had just used the face mask on her skin and was showing the results of it. Jennifer seemed quite happy with the results she got from using the face mask and so she recommends her fans to try it. That time one of her followers commented that she had done botox and her forehead and eyebrows didn’t look natural. To that she said, that is how her face is and she hadn’t done any botox. Jennifer very smartly reacted to the troll by saying,

“LOL, that’s just my face!!!” “For the 500 millionth time… I have never done Botox or any other injectables or surgery!! Just sayin’. Get you some JLO BEAUTY and feel beautiful in your skin!!” She added, “And here is another JLO Beauty secret: try spending your time being more positive, kind and in uplifting others…don’t spend your time trying to bring others down…that will keep you youthful and beautiful too!!!” This is what proves how confident Jennifer is in her skin and feels beautiful for whatever she has.

Here is the video:

View Instagram Post 1: Jennifer Lopez Reacts To A Troll Who Says You Had A Botox: Says 'My Beauty Secret Is Loving My Skin'