Blake Tollison Shelton is an American singer and television personality. In 2001, he made his debut with his single “Austin”. He has a huge fan following on social media and is loved for his contribution to the field of music. Blake’s song “Minimum Wage” was hated by many but the ones who adore him have loved the song. Appreciation and criticism are two sides of the same coin but Blake doesn’t seem to be affected by the negativity he has received.
Blake released a song named “Minimum Wage”. People on Twitter lashed out saying how a millionaire like him could be upset over having less money or write a song like this and that this song was “tone deaf”. ‘I think this all was said without hearing the whole lyrics of the song, ‘believed Blake, according to a report. Blake also believes that ‘some people want to intentionally pick fights without having any proof or evidence because haters gonna hate’, said a report. Blake says that he believes in his work and it doesn’t bother him how much ever hatred he gets. He believes that the song is all about love and when there is no money in the pocket and when times are difficult, all that matters is love, and someone to hold on to you and love you in worse situations. Blake said he isn’t surprised about the backlash he is getting for his songs because he believes that the ones who have heard the song will understand and eventually like and appreciate it.
(As per media reports info)