The South Korean comedian and presenter Park Soo Hoong recently revealed at an instance that her and his wife would be having a baby soon together. He revealed the same at his show ‘Stars’ Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant’ where he invited one of his friend, Park Kyung Lim, and gave her a dinner treat out of gratitude.
Talking about his friend, Park Soo Hoong shared, “She (Park Kyung Lim) is my real younger sister. She listened to me on the night of my most difficult times. She even invited me during the holidays because she was worried I had nowhere to go. I want to show her that I become happier, so I invited her.”
He further added, “I think the people I met during my most difficult times are the ones who protect me the most. I am really happy.” Park Kyung Lim also expressed that she was relieved because Park Soo Hong looked happy and expressed her gratitude toward Park Soo Hong’s wife for being there for him during times of difficulty.”
Earlier he and his wife visited the hospital on November 4, the same day, and further announced that they would be having a baby soon. Park shared, “We went to the hospital not too long ago. My wife and I got health tests. We’re preparing to have a baby.” Park Kyung Lim replied, “The baby will be so beautiful resembling you and unnie.” As quoted by All K-pop.