Naved Shaikh or popularly known by his stage name Naezy. He is an Indian rapper who originated from the slums of Mumbai, Maharashtra. The rapper rose to fame with the song “Mere Gully Mein” featuring another fellow rapper Divine. The movie has been made based on his life story, portrayed by Ranveer Singh and directed by Zoya Akhtar in the 2019 film Gully Boy. The singer made his debut with Birju in the 2015 film Hey Bro which casts Bollywood celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan, Akshay Kumar, Hrithik Roshan, Ajay Devgn, and Prabhu Deva with lead actor Ganesh Acharya.
He is now quite popular among youth. And the audience enjoys his rapping. The rapper has collaborated with many other stars. The rapper enjoys a massive fan following on his YouTube channel as well as Instagram. And to keep himself hooked with his fans and audience, he shares rap videos, pictures, and other updates. And you must listen to his rapping songs now and enjoy yourself.
1)Mere Gully Mein from Gully Boy
3)Mera Bhai Tu
4)Aafaat Wapas
5)Asal Hustle
6) Tragedy Me Comedy
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