The enchanting romantic track “Apna Bana Le” from the film “Bhediya,” featuring Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon, has been captivating music enthusiasts since its release. Against the backdrop of the breathtaking green landscapes of Arunachal Pradesh, the song not only pleases the ears but also delights the eyes.

Furthermore, several individuals have breathed new life into the composition by showcasing their own renditions. Adding to the allure, a talented artist recently shared a unique adaptation of the song, performed on the veena. This soulful cover has captured the hearts of many and has the potential to captivate even the most discerning music lovers.

The cover by Kushala

Instagram user Kushala has become an internet sensation overnight with her mesmerizing video. This talented individual, who identifies as both a musician and a medical student, skillfully showcased her musical prowess by playing the serene melody on the veena. The video quickly went viral, captivating viewers with its enchanting and magical aura. Kushala’s rendition of the song is undoubtedly a captivating rendition that deserves your undivided attention.


One wrote, “Missed You and your Veena so much, Glad too see you both back!”

Another wrote, “Ponniyen selvan 2 song , can you do with veena”

A third user wrote, “this is so calming”

Watch: Musician Kushala leaves internet awed with her veena version of Arijit Singh’s Apna Bana Le 808343

Watch: Musician Kushala leaves internet awed with her veena version of Arijit Singh’s Apna Bana Le 808344

Watch: Musician Kushala leaves internet awed with her veena version of Arijit Singh’s Apna Bana Le 808345

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