Diljit Dosanjh has shared the first look of his upcoming film Punjab ’95, a project that has been highly anticipated by fans. The actor and singer posted the image on social media with the caption, “I Challenge the Darkness.” The poster shows Diljit in a raw and intense look, seated on the floor, dressed in a simple kurta and turban. His bloodied and bruised face suggests a gripping and emotional narrative.
The film is a biopic based on the life of Jaswant Singh Khalra, a human rights activist who disappeared in September 1995. Khalra’s investigation into human rights violations in Punjab led to significant revelations but also put him in danger. In 2005, six Punjab police officials were convicted of his murder.
Before revealing the poster, Diljit had hinted at the film’s release in February, stating that his album had to be postponed as a result. The announcement has created excitement among his fans, who are eager to see him take on this challenging role.
The film, however, faced issues with the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). Reports suggest that the CBFC proposed several changes, including the removal of Khalra’s name from the film and a title change. These recommendations have sparked criticism from fans and industry observers, who believe such edits undermine the film’s authenticity and the significance of Khalra’s story.
Produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Honey Trehan, Punjab ’95 is expected to shed light on an important chapter in Punjab’s history. Despite the challenges, the film’s release is eagerly awaited by audiences.
Meanwhile, Diljit continues to make headlines with his sold-out concerts around the world, further cementing his status as a global entertainer.