India’s talents Tanishq, Swatkat and Stich make their debut on Don Diablo’s Generation HEX imprint with a funky house track called, “DONT SAY GOODBYE”.

TANISHQ A.K.A Tanishq Gaikwad the 23 yr old has been really a promising name in INDIA and by the pace he is going, it is certain that he’ll be a household name across the globe in no time.

Tanishq & Stich have been featured on VH1 on television, Tanishq however has been into music for 8 yrs now. He aims to take his Country India & Hometown Nagpur on a global dance music map.

His previous releases have been massive success, he has performed overseas, and all across India.

He started music at the age of 13 ever since after he never stopped re-inventing his music style.

Based on the pace of his achievements, it is certain that TANISHQ is taking over the music scene, one city at a time, likewise his success on the international arena doesn’t seem far.

As the past years were filled with big concerts, performing for thousands of people, getting his music videos premiered on Television on world’s no.1 music channel i.e VH1, it is certain he’ll be a household name in no time.

Stich is his younger brother on the exact same path and vision as his, but on a darker side he aims to pursue his musical career in underground genres in Future.

These young guns became the first Indians to release on this legendary record label by the real DON of Dance Music, ‘DON DIABLO’.

This track is a go to for REELS and your shuffle dances, groovy content, you go on a groovy trip when you listen to this track.

More power to these guys representing India on the global map!