Well-known Bollywood singer Monali Thakur made it to headlines after she abruptly ended her live show in Varanasi. The singer was in the city for a live performance on 22 December but only after 45 minutes of her performance, she walked out of the stage. Apologising to her fans she accused the organisers for poor management. And now after five days if New Year, the singer reveal every detail about the incident.
Taking to her Instagram account, Monali shares three slides explaining the whole situation. In the opening paragraph, the singer said, “I had hoped not to end 2024 or begin the new year 2025 by addressing the horrific and negative incident my team and I faced in Varanasi. However, after much reflection, I feel it is important to share these unfortunate truths-not only to raise awareness but also to call for reforms in how such matters are handled. Attached is a confession and apology letter issued by the founder of the event organizing company. Hope this letter is sufficient to clear any confusion anyone might have had about the credibility of any of the false defamatory accusations made against my team and myself, as well as the treacherous and unethical conduct of the organizers.”
Monali also expressed her frustration over the reckless behavior of the management company’s team, highlighting the misuse of laws that are made to protect against sexu*l harassment and wrote, “It has been deeply troubling for me to process the reckless and irresponsible behavior of the event management company’s team. Specially, their misuse of laws designed to protect against sexual harassment-laws that are vital for safeguarding people, specially women in our society-is both appalling and unacceptable. Weaponizing such laws for personal vendetta, ego satisfaction, or retaliation against those who refused to comply with unethical practices is not only a gross abuse of rights but also deeply disrespectful to genuine survivors of these heinous crimes.”
Check out the photos below-
Across the three slides, Monali firstly expressed her frustration and called out the misuse of laws and in the second slide she explained full details about the incident and lastly shared the apology note from the management company.